Friday 31 January 2020

Final Major Project Update – 31/1/20

After my last post, I have produced work that has finally been whittled down into a final design for my main character. I also had my FMP assessment/feedback session. I got some very useful feedback and direction from the talk, and I have gone ahead to make ‘rule-boards’ for the upcoming designs. I have found that this seems to be a very good way to keep designs focused and has made it easier for me to stay contained and get a better vision for the end product.

So, after I had asked my peers for their opinions, I picked 3 designs that would feed into the final design for the main characters outfit. I placed these onto a page where I then produced two more designs, children of the three.

I gained opinions and evaluated which ones would speak to the character’s personality more.
I thought the layered shoulder piece with the cloak looked more confident. The high boots and legging/trouser detail was also more professional looking, considering that this traveller-hunter type of character would spend a lot of their time traipsing through thick undergrowth, swamps, mud, and foliage, and would probably need some shin protection at least.

She is wearing plenty of pelts as well, rewards from her previous hunts. I haven’t done a final version of her hair yet, but it is tucked well out of her face in thick strands, possibly braids, or something close to dreads, or just tied up. I have two sheets of hair designs:

So I took my favorite design, and added the elements that I preferred from the first design, and tweaked the combinations. I then chose the best of the two and there we have it. Final design. I will go on to create a final version of this design, with photobashing and rendering.

For now, though, I will move on to creature design. I made a rule-board for every creature which has given me a solid starting point. I also have the photobashed environment pieces to guide me, as the creature design will be adapted to their environment.  

After, native and enemy population designs. Rule-boards for those:

Monday 20 January 2020

Final Major Project Update – 20/01/20

I started this project with a plan. Here’s the idea:
·         RPG Action Adventure
·         Fantasy – Monster
·         3rd Person
·         Style:  Semi-Realistic, Semi-Stylised

You have come in search for your friend, a scientist, who has not been contacting you for a little while now. You find their home ransacked and disheveled, the clear signs of something malevolent. You go on to speak to the local natives who tell you what has happened: The water source has become polluted with some kind of disease-causing infection which leads to violent and fatal outbursts. Furthermore, a neighboring country has come to help in the time of need, and has created a settlement where research for a cure is supposedly happening. As time went on though, some of the native’s suspicions grew and found the helpers to have ulterior motives. You are granted with the power of the ancients to help in the cause of freeing the native’s homeland, find your friend, and defeat whatever creature or enemy may stand in your path.

And here are the deliverables:

·         X2 Main Character (Male and Female)
·         X2 Native Race
·         X2 Enemy Race
·         X4 Creatures
·         Examples of infection in humanoid race, creature, and environment
·         Material call-outs to communicate shader considerations for the 3D artists
·         X3 Mechanic demos/effects for abilities
·         X2 Environment examples
·         X2 Final pieces

I created a calendar specifically for the project time plan as a base. I left some space for error too. I then gathered a lot of references and compiled them into mood boards.

So, to begin with, I started making sketches just with pencil on paper to get some gestural drawings flowing. I did some shape exercises, where I drew shapes with a marker and then drew on top what I could see, and some pose studies. Here are some examples:

After, I moved onto Photoshop to do a rough starting look at the environment I wanted my game to be set in. I photo bashed and then colour edited a basic environment and decided on the colours I wanted to use.

Then I went on to determine what overall body shape and proportions I wanted. 

After choosing, I started developing the costume design for the main character, starting with the female (They would both get the same outfit and I felt it was important to get the female outfit looking right first).
I created a silhouette and sketched on top. I felt however that this wasn’t the best way to start the design process, and after finishing a page of these, I completed two pages of tonal blocking out. I used the lasso tool to layer shapes onto one another and asked for feedback during, to determine what should be carried forward or left behind.

There were some designs that I liked but that weren’t appropriate for the essence of the main character, such as the skull or spiked shoulder pads. These felt too aggressive and barbaric. I wanted to create a more serious appearance coupled with the aura of someone who has worldly experience.
I took inspiration from Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla Games) and the character designs from Dauntless (Phoenix Labs), as well as my mood board.
I started doing some face studies as well and I will be doing more on that as well as hair designs today.

Final Submission Notes

Final Major Project - 30/05/20 - HAND IN UPDATE As I previously emailed my tutors about, I was having a lot of technical difficulties in ...