Friday 31 January 2020

Final Major Project Update – 31/1/20

After my last post, I have produced work that has finally been whittled down into a final design for my main character. I also had my FMP assessment/feedback session. I got some very useful feedback and direction from the talk, and I have gone ahead to make ‘rule-boards’ for the upcoming designs. I have found that this seems to be a very good way to keep designs focused and has made it easier for me to stay contained and get a better vision for the end product.

So, after I had asked my peers for their opinions, I picked 3 designs that would feed into the final design for the main characters outfit. I placed these onto a page where I then produced two more designs, children of the three.

I gained opinions and evaluated which ones would speak to the character’s personality more.
I thought the layered shoulder piece with the cloak looked more confident. The high boots and legging/trouser detail was also more professional looking, considering that this traveller-hunter type of character would spend a lot of their time traipsing through thick undergrowth, swamps, mud, and foliage, and would probably need some shin protection at least.

She is wearing plenty of pelts as well, rewards from her previous hunts. I haven’t done a final version of her hair yet, but it is tucked well out of her face in thick strands, possibly braids, or something close to dreads, or just tied up. I have two sheets of hair designs:

So I took my favorite design, and added the elements that I preferred from the first design, and tweaked the combinations. I then chose the best of the two and there we have it. Final design. I will go on to create a final version of this design, with photobashing and rendering.

For now, though, I will move on to creature design. I made a rule-board for every creature which has given me a solid starting point. I also have the photobashed environment pieces to guide me, as the creature design will be adapted to their environment.  

After, native and enemy population designs. Rule-boards for those:

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Final Submission Notes

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