Saturday 30 May 2020

Final Submission Notes

Final Major Project - 30/05/20 - HAND IN UPDATE

As I previously emailed my tutors about, I was having a lot of technical difficulties in getting a link to my ebook. As a solution, I had to create a shareable link that takes the viewer to lucidpress to log in in order to see my document. I hope this is sufficient. I also uploaded my PDF and everything else that was required.

On another note. I realised after my hand in that I had completely forgotten to include a small section of my work in my book. I have no excuse for this, it just left my mind somehow. I will be posting that left over work on this blog post and will email tutors about this.

Overall, this whole project came to a very anticlimactic end. I was unable to complete parts of my work. It was extremely hard to work from home, especially when we were unable to go out as usually we would. I also emailed Teo but I don't know if she ever received my emails as I never got a reply or confirmation. It's been a real challenge to push myself to keep working but I did what I could and hopefully I am not lacking too much.

The unpublished work:

The main character of the game (Val) has been bestowed with the powers of the ancients. This gives her unique abilities. Sneak, Movement, and Shielding (which I was not able to produce work for).

I started by sketching Val and then experimented with shapes and different layer types to determine the visual effect that comes with her ability to move things. Note that this power is not telekinesis. Val can only increase force on an object temporarily. For example, a pile of rocks could be manipulated to tumble or a broken tree trunk could be pushed to fall over.

I chose yellow because it is associated with energy.

I was having a hard time designing something that I felt was right, so I moved on to the next power: Sneaking. Val can use this power to bring her shadow to the surface world in order to avoid being seen by enemies. At first I began with some smoky shadow idea, and then thought about having her switch places with her mirrored self from the "shadow land". 

So that is all the work that was left out of the book by accident. Thanks for reading. 

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Final Submission Notes

Final Major Project - 30/05/20 - HAND IN UPDATE As I previously emailed my tutors about, I was having a lot of technical difficulties in ...