Tuesday 4 February 2020

Final Major Project Update – 4/2/20

I have now started making progress with the creature design, and have nearly finished the design for the main character’s mount. I started by making a page of silhouettes, using my rule-board as a main point of reference. I wanted a creature that looked strong enough to hold weight and travel for a decent amount of time. Something hardy but not predatory or too low in the food chain either.

After the first batch, I created another set of silhouettes, using the features that worked best from the previous batch. I decided the boar look was quite interesting. I also considered using the proportions of the Sichuan Takin. I also really liked how the fluff/spiky/bushy rear looked. It could be a place where spines are hidden, to poke any large predators that dare try to take a chomp out of it. Or just something to make the creature look bigger.

I started sketching to determine the body shape I wanted, as well as the head/face. After making a few small head sketches, I moved onto Zbrush to really get a good idea of what was going to look good. I sculpted a basic head using my sketch as a reference. After, I had another look, and decided something with more exaggerated features would work better, this time using a boar’s head photo as reference. I made the tusks bigger and made the snout bumpier, and the nostrils bigger, using a horse nose as reference.

That’s all for now, next will be properly determining the body size, shape, and anatomy as well as the harnesses and saddle.

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