Saturday 14 March 2020

Final Major Project Update – Enemies - 14/3/20

Since my last post (less than 2 weeks ago) I have started working on the enemies of the game. Here is my design reference board:

I wanted these people to have a military, strict, practical feel to them. I used military uniforms and geometric shapes as my inspiration. I started by sketching faces and costume, then began creating silhouettes, incorporating simple but sharp-edged shapes into the designs. At first I liked some of the more complex looking designs but then decided it would be better to simplify them and make them look practical, simple, and easily manufactured/made over and over again.

I took the iterations I preferred and made small further changes. After I chose a front design that suited my aims I did a few back designs and then chose to simplify the uniform even more by taking away the long back and making the coat more of a jacket. I did a couple rough sketches.

I then took the previously favoured designs and started making the enemy leader’s design. I aimed to make his attire fit in with the rest of the uniforms but stand out as its own important outfit. I decided to give him a long coat and played with the front asymmetrical shapes and hard angles. I wanted it to feel military without resembling existing uniforms too much. Next I will create a symbol to reflect the hard nature of the enemies and I’m thinking of giving the leader a walking stick of some sort, more of a sceptre than an actual walking aid.

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Final Submission Notes

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